State, Corporation, Union
The three institutions dominating 20th century social life share
a finite set of constitutive and operating characteristics that
generate a comparable body of tensions producing related legal
doctrines. Detailing these characteristics should provide a
basis for further research on the similarity and differences
among these three unities, and ultimately shed some light on
the requirements of a progressive social/legal theory. In a
sense this proposal may be read as a detailing of Unger's bureaucracy
taken as a point of departure. I will begin with a listing of
analytic characteristics and then return for a brief discussion
of each.
The most profound and amazing movement in the creation of
the state, corporation and union is the transformation of
a multiplicity into a collective singularity with a distinct
conceptual identity. In this original movement the people
become the state, investors become the corporation and workers
become the union.
Since the 17th century liberal societies have attempted to
understand this transformation as the consequence of a contractual
agreement within the multiplicity.
The creation of a collective singularity does not, however,
eliminate the multiplicity as such, but the latter continues
to exist within the unit and play a role in its ordinary functioning.
The continuing role of citizens, shareholders and workers
within the unity is one of its liberal features, but it also
produces substantial tensions.
While the transformation of multiplicity into singularity
allows the former to speak with a single voice for external
purposes, some additional mechanism is necessary to enable
the multiplicity to play its role in the ordinary internal
functioning of the organization. Though subject to a wide
variety of implementations, within the state, union and corporation
the multiplicity speaks according to the majoritarian principle.
Individuals within the multiplicity enjoy a certain capacity
to voice dissatisfaction with the performance of the unit.
Citizens, shareholders and workers are said to have certain
interests which may be juxtaposed to those of the organization
as such.
The functioning of the collective singularity is within the
control, responsibility or authority of individuals whose
superior position is characterized by a threefold tension,
the first two elements of which are directly related to the
continuing role of the multiplicity within the unity. State
officers, corporate directors and union officials have a simultaneous
but distinct relation to the multiplicity as well as the unity,
and both of these relations are described as representational.
The third point of tension stems from the obvious fact that
officers also have 'private' lives, and within these private
lives may also be citizens, shareholders or workers.
The activities of a unity require an elaborate division of
labor staffed by a large number of lesser agents engaged in
a variety of tasks. Depending on circumstances, these agents
are said to be representing the state, corporation or union,
but the relation between lesser agents and the unit is not
representational in the same sense as either of the two representational
relations enjoyed by superior officers.
In modern society collective singularities are frequently
complex units with subdivisions, subsidiaries and collateral
organizations more or less formally attached. A collective
singularity may thus be constituted by a human multiplicity
and by an organizational multiplicity. In society this is
the problem of federalism, political subdivisions and municipal
corporations; in the organization of venture capital there
are holding companies, parent organizations and subsidiaries;
unions are local, national and international.
these eight items all the doctrinal and associated social problems
deemed central to the study of constitutional law, labor law
and corporate law may be isolated and compared.
* *
multiplicity must be identified or circumscribed prior to its
transformation. Medieval canon law, for example, needed to choose
either humanity in general or the Christian world in particular
as its relevant multiplicity. In the absence of natural boundaries
the original mass is produced by struggles of power that include
abstract conceptions as well as material conditions. In post-revolutionary
America the organization of the state depended significantly
on the relevance of local, colonial and 'national' populations.
The constitutional convention theorized a universal multiplicity
while operating within a concrete distribution of effective
political articulation that was severely limited by contemporary
suffrage and representational schemes. In the case of private
commercial corporations the relevant multiplicity may be determined
theoretically by its charter statement and concretely by the
market activity of its stock. The reduced salience of charter
statements in favor of capital marketing strategies and, over
the course of the 20th century, the appearance of institutional
investors is a historical/theoretical development of potential
significance in the constitution of corporate multiplicities.
By contrast, the bounding of labor populations at the level
of the work place understood geographically co-exists with multiplicities
identified by skill, trade or task. This dualism may provide
an essential condition for a highly mobile, shifting or limited
transformation of multiplicity into singularity as the result
of universal mutual agreement continues to enjoy a tedious allegiance
in discussions of the state. Given the stability of social contract
metaphors it is tempting to imagine its application to venture
capital and organized labor as a simple repetition or analogical
extension demonstrating the viability of this central liberal
mythology. For example, since unions are produced by a workers
contract and collective bargaining produces industrial peace
it must be true that the social contract put an end to the war
of all against all. The analogy plainly introduces a distortion
to the extent it imagines workers at war with each other rather
than with owners of the means of production. At least since
1651 contractarian imagery tends to confuse the mechanism by
which the multiplicity is transformed into a singularity with
arrangements between the latter and third parties. For example,
the contract notion according to which the corporation becomes
a singularity of multiple owners is not the same as the contract
with the state formed by the corporate franchise. The distinction
is critical for understanding the continuing role of the multiplicity
in the ordinary functioning of the unit as well as the tension
between the unit and individual members of the multiplicity.
its achievements in the production of peace, singularity does
indeed reduce the incoherent babble of a multiplicity to an
articulate voice. The continuing role of the multiplicity is
generally regarded as something of a guarantee that the voice
will continue to speak for the body, but this requires an additional
communication technique. Majoritarianism is thus inserted between
the mass and the unit as a linguistic mechanism operating like
sensations of the body informing the mind of its needs. Unlike
sensations of the body, however, majoritarianism has never been
very good at communicating intensities but exhausts its capacity
in crude forms of measurement. In some political discourse this
statistical limitation is given a moral dimension, as in the
general derision of single issue voting that refuses to weigh
a broad spectrum of issues, factors or considerations in order
to arrive at a balanced view. It is at least arguable that voting
practices within commercial corporations count as an exception
to the extent that voting power is differentiated by type and
degree of ownership -preferred, common, number of shares etc.
Ultimately, the fact that majoritarianism is virtually the sole
mechanism mediating between the population and its unified form,
and the gross limitations on the range of expression available
to it, express a similar relation to the contractarian conception
out of which it arises, The contract assumes either that the
population shares nothing, stands on no common ground, or that
it shares a precisely defined and rigorously circumscribed interests.
Majoritarianism is coherent only under the latter assumption,
and under this assumption its limited capacity to communicate
from multiplicity to singularity does not count as a devastating
flaw. Thus corporate voting practices do not mark a departure
from classical majoritarian principles to the extent they reflect
the view that the common interest of shareholders is precisely
and exclusively defined by the unit of ownership.
the multiplying of ownership units deserves to be considered
as an ownership/intensity function.
to contractarian mythology, the multiplicity recognizes that
it will be better off when transformed into a unity - a conception
that holds for citizens and investors as well as workers. Prior
to the contract the multiplicity is constituted by particles
of absolute difference: each individual is isolated and distanced
from every other individual. The point of the contract is a
general trading of the pains and inconveniences of difference
for the advantages and securities of a similarity articulated
in the functioning of the singularity as such. The position
of the individual within a multiplicity actively engaged in
the ongoing operation of the unit nevertheless remains one of
estrangement. The liberal conception qualified the power both
of the unit and the majority by understanding the transforming
contract as limited and conditional. The consequence is three
quite distinct levels or moments of dissatisfaction which I
will call, borrowing from Hirschman, exit, voice and loyality.
In the first, the person may perceive that he is worse off subsumed
within a unit than as a free agent and may desire to return
to that 'natural' condition (exit). In the second, dissenting
individuals may seek a voice in the operation of the unit for
minority views suppressed by the ordinary functioning of majoritarianism.
Finally, a person may seek to engage the unit in a discourse
of rights which, in all cases, attempts to homologize the interests
of the person with that of the multiplicity (loyality) without
regard for the mediation of majoritarianism. An examination
of the relevant bodies of doctrine in constitutional law, labor
law and corporate law might determine the distribution of these
distinctions within each area and contrast their utilization
across doctrinal clusters.
The situation of superior officers betrays a complexity frequently
elided in ordinary legal discourse. They are simultaneously
employees of the unit, the people whose activity constitutes
the movements of the unit as such, and they stand in a certain
privilege/accountability relation with the expression of majoritarianism
upon which their tenure depends. Executive officers work for
and are paid by the United States? Ford Motor Co. or the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters while simultaneously providing these
units with a voice without which they would remain lifeless
conceptualizations doomed to circulate within a field of abstraction.
These first two elements of the officers' situation describe
a mutual entailment that would surely produce, if pursued with
the vigor of Sambo, a uniformly smooth substance were it not
for the mediating intrusion of the division of labor. To be
sure, it is common to employ a pretentious functionalism to
maintain a severance between voices that constitute an organization
('policy making') and ones that elaborate an otherwise determined
substance. The distinction is not false in principle, but its
application requires a post hoc assessment. For example, any
given speech by a head of state, particularly when delivered
abroad, may be perceived as the enunciation of new doctrine
or dismissed as a boring elaboration of long established policy
dusted off for this highly visible occasion. Critical journalism
and several academic disciplines pour much of their energy into
establishing one or the other of these alternative perceptions
by bringing to the surface preceding operations in order to
prove either that the speech made policy for the unit (constitutive)
or merely represented the organization's established position
(elaboration). The difficulty of applying the distinction and
its susceptibility to tendentious manipulation does not, however,
reduce it to triviality. On the contrary, the description of
both the constitutive and elaborational functions as instances
of ‘representation' suggests the immense complexity imbedded
within this apparently modern organizational problem.
the two notions of representation previously described -actual
presence within a space of difference and presence by virtue
of an absence - it is possible to understand the situation of
officials within modern unities. On the one hand, the officer's
constitutive function within the organization counts as a reappearance
of medieval representation - an ontology of actual presence
within a space of difference, because within the terms of these
activities superior officers realize and actualize an organizational
presence without themselves being the unit.
the other, this actual presence of the unity has behind it the
ordinary functioning of a majoritarian constituency by whose
authority officials act; officials thus represent (as terminus)
the multiplicity (as source) in the modern sense of making it
present by virtue of its absence. In this constitutive function
highly placed officials relate to the multiplicity and the singularity
according to two distinct notions of representation: through
the officer the multiplicity is present by virtue of its otherwise
complete absence from the ordinary functioning of the unity;
in the officer the unity appears as an actual presence within
a space of difference. The situation is further complicated
by the potential for a degree of independence from tight control
by the multiplicity. The independent officer is no longer a
pure terminus in possession of actions owned/authored by the
multiplicity but is herself a source, and this poses the inevitable
danger that she will usurp functions allocated elsewhere within
the organization or substitute her private desires for the 'interests'
of the multiplicity and thus undermine rulership with corruption.
* *
superior officers perform elaborative functions the unit is
being represented in the modern sense - about this there can
be little question. When otherwise established policies are
being elaborated it makes sense to think of the official as
a mere conduit for their articulation, otherwise the enjoyment
of a level of independence would tend to produce a disparity
between established policy and its elaboration, and therefore
suggest that these particular articulations are really exercises
of the constitutive function and not simple elaborations at
of the unity who are not officials are variously described as
employees, servants or representatives. To be sure, a binary
distinction between superior officers and lesser agents grossly
oversimplifies the range of distinctions drawn in legal doctrine
and social practice as a function of the degree of constitutive
power within the unity, the mix of discretionary and ministerial
duties, or the proximity of the agent to sovereignty. The simplified
binary distinction is maintained here in order to highlight
an important difference in representation. To the extent an
agent executes relatively ministerial duties or elaborates policies
otherwise established she represents the unity in the modern
sense of making present by virtue of an absence, and the more
circumscribed the function the more closely it resembles the
mandate/actual mode of modern representation.
* *
Most of the critical doctrinal issues in agency relations are
woven through the tripartite distinction between actual authority,
apparent authority, and personal/private activity. The more
narrowly circumscribed an agency role the more likely that deviations
from that role will be ascribed to the personal/private realm
rather than to a constitutive function secreted within the strictures
of ministerial tasks. By contrast, the deviations of superior
officers may plausibly be classified as constitutive and this
makes determinations of deviance more difficult. To some extent
the same ambiguity appears in the case of lesser agents when,
from the perspective of third parties, the agent appears to
have more (apparent) authority than the unit is willing to concede.
most important difference between officials and lesser agents
is that the latter have no relation to the multiplicity in its
role within the ongoing activities of the unit. Whatever the
precise nature of the representational relation, agents make
present an absent unity and enjoy no majoritarian mandate. Considerable
conflict may be produced by the inconsistency between this formal
separation and the actual situation of lower level or front
line agents. In the case of police or shop stewards, for example,
the agent is in direct and immediate contact with a constituency
whose authority is absolutely severed by the unity: the agent
represents the unity and not the constituency. Statemanship,
corruption and disruption of formal lines of authority are the
ordinary products of this tension.
final characteristic of collective singularities is their tendency
to be constituted by, or divided into, complex units understood
as subdivisions, subsidiaries or collateral members. The central
problem is one of determining the relative independence of these
units; in modern times such decisions appear thoroughly pragmatic,
contextual, arbitrary, tendentious or ad hoc - the rhetoric
reflecting one's political perspective. The other side of relative
independence is representation in the sense of making the collective
singularity present by virtue of its absence. Generally speaking,
the determination of independence/representation involves most
of the previously discussed items: the relation to a multiplicity
in the sense of an original contract and in the sense of an
ongoing majoritarianism, and the relation of officials and agents
to one or more units. Since the units are treated as persons
or subjects to whom responsibility and liability may be attributed
there is a tendency to import doctrinal strategies from the
context of human agency relations. In the context of school
segregation, for example, local units can be regarded as having
apparent authority to act for the state, or actual authority
might be required, or the behavior of the unit may be analogized
to a frolic and a lark not authorized by anyone; the distinction
between local units might be taken seriously as though one were
dealing with the "fellow servant" notion, or it might
be ignored and the "veil pierced" or a "silver
platter" image imported from some remote doctrinal island.
may be truly unique about these entity relations is their situation
in a cluster of part-whole relations. None of the previously
discussed characters in this little structural melodrama should
properly be described as parts of the relevant unity. A unity
has officials, agents and citizens-shareholder-members, but
its parts must themselves be unities at once similar to and
different from the whole. In order to give some sense of the
difficulty this poses, it is useful to recall Maitland's question
whether there could be a mean term between multiplicity and
unity, between societas and universitas. A subsidiary
unit may constitute such a mean term to the extent it is formed
out of a multiplicity and is not absolutely distinct from the
multiplicity constituting itself as the whole. How much overlap
or mutuality is consistent with this conceptualization remains
problematic, but the puzzlement suggests interesting alternative
formulations. For example, where a subsidiary has no constitutive
multiplicity at all its form should not disguise its essence
as an agency or department within the division of labor of the
whole unity. And likewise for the reverse situation, where part
and whole derive from a common multiplicity. However, these
extreme instances may appear only within the corporate organization
of capital, and that's really interesting. Otherwise, the classical
example of subsidiaries situated as a mean term between unity
and multiplicity is the American type federal organization of
states. The great compromise by which United States Senators
were conceived as representing state sovereignties was
a crucial moment in the history of political organization, but
its relevance to labor and venture capital is not obvious.
point of this exercise is not to suggest a theory of modern
organization or to reorganize law school curricula, but to focus
attention on the reappearance within legal doctrine of the full
relation of capital, labor and political society. What does
it mean to learn that these three multiplicities suffer similar
or different treatment within legal discourse? And is it not
precisely this discourse that maintains the division between
labor, capital and politics, and to that extent ro-produces
the worker, the owner and the citizen?