a press report, Sarasota police Captain Stan Duncan quipped
that his officers are, in relation to homeless citizens, nice
guys. I think not. As is the case with most large groups, they
are ordinary people. Some are mean, some are really nice, and
most are just ordinary. In a case where officers were removing
a group from Centennial Park after curfew, one of the sleepers
asked the officer where he should go. The officer responded
by naming States of the Union, not including Florida. That counts
as mean. On the other hand, an officer who intervened when a
man was soliciting money ended by giving him $5. to fuel the
van in which he lived [during the time of $2./gal] after hearing
his tale of error and bad luck. Certainly, a good deed.
makes life hard for people in Captain Duncan's position is their
inability to change the behavior of the meanies. But implausible
denial suggests an otherwise reasonable person is merely cheerleading